Ilona Ruostesaari on syntynyt Petroskoin kaupungissa, Karjalan tasavalta.
1990-luvun alussa hän teki kuvituksia suomenkielisen Carelia-kulttuurilehden lastenpalstoille. Vuonna 2001 valmistui Petroskoin sosiaali-pedagogisesta ammattiopistosta. Vuodesta 2007 on innostunut luomaan taiteilijanukkeja.
Ilona Ruostesaari osallistui seuraaviin näyttelyihin:
"Nukkeiden aika 1" 2008 Pietari,Venäjä.
"Taiteilijanukkenäyttely" 2008 Helsinki,Suomi.
"Feira artesanato do Estoril 2008" Portugalia.
"Kansainvälinen Nukkesalonki" 2008 Moskova,Venäjä.
"Nukkeiden aika 2" 2008 Pietari, Venäjä.
"Moscow Fair 2009" Moskova, Venäjä.
"Nukkeiden aika 3" 2009 Pietari,Venäjä.
"Nukkeiden aika 4",2009 Pietari,Venäjä
"Nukketarinoita" 2009 Helsinki Suomi.
"Ilona Vlasenko: Minun nukkemaailmani" 2009 Helsinki Suomi.
"Nukkeiden syksy 2009" Riga Latvia
Kesäkuussa 2008 Ilona järjesti venäläisten nukketaiteilijoiden näyttelyn Helsingissä. Inkerikeskuksessa pidetyssä näyttelyssä oli esillä kahdeksantoista taiteilijan 43 teosta.
Hi, my name is Eva and I live in Spain, close to Barcelona. I hope that you understand English...I have discovered your work, it's fantastic, all the scences, the snail house looks great and the onther crafts. Congratulations!! If you don't mind I will put your link in my blog. Thanks
Hi, there is a blog award waiting for you in my blog. Please go to receive it. I like your work, it is difficult to be original and your miniatures are original and fantastic. I enjoy very much with them Hugs
Hi! I was wondering if I could put this on People were really impressed with your snail and I'm sure they'd like to see more of your work! This is Alice from Alice in Wonderland, right?
Hi! Yes, it is the same Alice! Of course, you can use all the materials of my blog, but with an indication of authorship. You have a very interesting blog and I will be happy to see my work there!
Hi, my name is Eva and I live in Spain, close to Barcelona.
ОтветитьУдалитьI hope that you understand English...I have discovered your work, it's fantastic, all the scences, the snail house looks great and the onther crafts.
If you don't mind I will put your link in my blog.
Hi my name is Erika and I live in sweden.
ОтветитьУдалитьDiscovere your blog today.
Your work is wonderful
Hi, there is a blog award waiting for you in my blog. Please go to receive it. I like your work, it is difficult to be original and your miniatures are original and fantastic. I enjoy very much with them
Beautiful work Eva! Your snails house is so adorable!!
ОтветитьУдалитьHugs from the USA!,
Eva,Thank you very much! This is very unexpected and pleasant! Your blog I really liked! I am new to Blogger, so not all here know.
ОтветитьУдалитьerika Thank you very much! Very glad that you enjoyed my work!
ОтветитьУдалитьGail Lackey My name is Ilona :)
ОтветитьУдалитьHi! I was wondering if I could put this on People were really impressed with your snail and I'm sure they'd like to see more of your work! This is Alice from Alice in Wonderland, right?
ОтветитьУдалитьHi! Yes, it is the same Alice! Of course, you can use all the materials of my blog, but with an indication of authorship. You have a very interesting blog and I will be happy to see my work there!